Monday, August 24, 2009


So I was browsing around S-- Times website for some nice news from home and found a recipe about sauteed corn! Since there is corn here and a stove (sans oven) I thought, "Great!"

I start reading excitedly hoping that some cooking genius would inspire me to go to the kitchen and WOW my host family instead of mildly horrifying my host mom when i proposed to cook a western breakfast... someday....

I start reading about lemon sage and bell peppers, advice from a Trellis (YUM) chef and how-to's. The ingredients seemed a little daunting to find, but this author promised a good go-to recipe....

only to find out.... his recipe is KIMCHI SAUTEED CORN. No freaking joke. I couldn't believe it.

I was thinking something a little further away from my current cuisine. haha. but maybe i'll try it and let you know if it's worth going out and buying that jar of kimchi or not. :)

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