Monday, July 13, 2009

The way of foot and fist

Leap frogging, legs spread wide, over a classmate.

Sliding on the floor.

More jumps - split jumps to be exact.

High jumps, touching your feet while you swing your straight legs in front of you.

20 laps around the gym.

The first day of tae (foot) kwon (fist) do (way of...) was much harder than I thought it would be. Whew.

The master only made an appearance as he talked on his cell phone. His co-teacher/pupil suggested that we may be sore today, but after awhile, it will feel better. More specifically, when we can actually do it right, we will feel the positive effects more. It seemed like a Korean back-hand comment.

At least the kids I saw at the TKD International Open Tournament in Chuncheon weren't as baffled as I was!



  1. Hey Melissa!

    That's so cool that you're taking Tae Kwon Do! It'll be a great experience! Thanks for the photos and the update! Miss ya!


  2. the kwon is fine but I'm not so sure that your previously broken tae will fare so well. Could be the end of something beautiful Just sayin'.....
